Date | Reference | Paper |
September 6 | Altman 1994 | The scandal of poor medical research |
September 20 | Van den Broeck et al 2005 | Data Cleaning: Detecting, Diagnosing, and Editing Data Abnormalities |
October 4 | Fox et al 2022 | On the Need to Revitalize Descriptive Epidemiology |
October 18 | Hernán and Robins 2016 | Using Big Data to Emulate a Target Trial When a Randomized Trial Is Not Available |
November 1 | Galea and Hernan 2020 | Win-Win: Reconciling Social Epidemiology and Causal Inference |
November 15 | Lash 2017 | Heuristic Thinking and Inference From Observational Epidemiology |
November 29 | Penning de Vries et al 2020 | Title, abstract, and keyword searching resulted in poor recovery of articles in systematic reviews of epidemiologic practice |
December 13 | Yeh et al 2018 | Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma when jumping from aircraft: randomized controlled trial |
Date | Reference | Paper |
September 8 | Epidemiology X | Submit a question |
September 22 | Westreich et al 2023 | Target Validity and the Hierarchy of Study Designs |
October 6 | Pearce and Vandenbroucke 2023 | Are Target Trial Emulations the Gold Standard for Observational Studies? |
October 20 | Amrhein and Greeland 2022 | Discuss practical importance of results based on interval estimates and p-value functions, not only on point estimates and null p-values |
November 3 | Lakens | Confirmation Bias and Organized Skepticism |
November 17 | Dr. Kirsten Bibbens-Domingo | Medical Publishing in Dynamic Times (Part I) |
December 1 | Dr. Kirsten Bibbens-Domingo | Medical Publishing in Dynamic Times (Part II) & the C-Word paper |
Date | Reference | Paper |
January 13 | Epidemiology X | |
January 27 | Kaufman 2017 | Statistics, Adjusted Statistics and Maladjusted Statistics |
February 10 | Discussion about statistical testing | |
February 24 | Rothman 1976 | Causes |
March 10 | Huitfeldt 2016 | Is caviar a risk factor for being a millionaire? |
March 24 | Flexner 1939 | The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge |
April 7 | Westreich 2017 | From Patients to Policy: Population Intervention Effects in Epidemiology |
April 21 | What does an epidemiologist need to know? | |
May 5 | What motivates scientists to do research? | |
May 19 | Should basic methodological errors have consequences? | |
June 2 | Explaning causal assumptions to non-experts | |
June 16 | Glass 1976 | Primary, Secondary, and Meta-Aanlysis of Research |
June 30 | Westkop @ 16h |
Date | Reference | Paper |
September 2 | Wigner | The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences |
September 16 | Greenland | Induction versus Popper: substance versus semantics |
September 30 | Taubes | Epidemiology faces its limits |
October 14 | Bashir | A precious case from Middle Earth |
October 28 | Cohen | The Earth is Round (p<.05) |
November 11 | Rose | Strategy of prevention: lessons from cardiovascular disease |
November 25 | Varlik | “Oriental Plague” or Epidemiological Orientalism? Revisiting the Plague Episteme of the early modern Mediterranean |
December 9 | Nick Binney | Philosophy at Erasmus MC |
Date | Reference | Paper |
January 21 | Kronmal 1993 | Spurious Correlation and the Fallacy of the Ratio Standard Revisited |
February 4 | Van Calster et al 2021 | Methodology over metrics: current scientific standards are a disservice to patients and society |
February 18 | Ackley et al 2022 | Dynamical Modeling as a Tool for Inferring Causation |
March 4 | Medden et al 2022 | Inverse probability weighting to handle attrition in cohort studies: some guidance and a call for caution |
March 18 | Epidemiology X | |
April 1 | Jim Smit | Causal Infernece and the ICU |
April 15 | Haushofer | CV of failure |
April 29 | ||
May 13 | Savitz and Wellenius 2022 | Can Cross-Sectional Studies Contribute to Causal Inference? It Depends |
May 27 | Wagenmakers et al 2022 | One statistical analysis must not rule them all |
Date | Reference | Paper |
November 26 | Nimdet et al 2015 | A Systematic Review of Studies Eliciting Willingness-to-Pay per Quality-Adjusted Life Year: Does It Justify CE Threshold? |
November 12 | Haber et al 2021 | Causal and Associational Language in Observational Health Research: A systematic evaluation |
October 29 | Greenland 2021 | Dealing With the Inevitable Deficiencies of Bias Analysis-and All Analyses |
October 15 | MacLehose et al 2021 | The Importance of Making Assumptions in Bias Analysis |
October 1 | CANCELLED | |
September 17 | CANCELLED | |
September 3 | Epidemiology X |